Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday, September 10th, we hit the road again. A group of us headed to Versailles, Indiana for 24hrs of Dino. This would be my 14th endurance race of the season and my 2nd 24hour mountain bike race for the year. I raced this 24hr solo last year and fell in love with the fast and flowing trail. This year they reversed the direction.

Once we arrived, we quickly set up camp with our traditional canopy with Christmas lights that run off a boat battery. We also have an extension strip so we can charge our bike lights throughout the night. "The boys" wanted to go for a quick ride before dark. Now, I know this means they will end up doing a complete lap which is 12 miles. I declined. I did my pre-race workout early in the AM before we left. Instead I continued prepping for the race. I am very systematic with my gear, clothes, lights, food, and drinks during races. Being self-supported, I don't want to think. My strategy was to swing in every 2-3 laps, switch bottles, and grab my Dixie cups that are pre-filled with cut up bars, 1/8 banana, 2 M & Ms, 1 GU block, and 1 magnesium pill. With this technique, I am able to put the cup in my back pocket and easily grab food while riding.

The boys (Todd, Todd, Greg, and Mitch) arrived back from their pre-ride like it was Christmas morning! Joker smiles on all. They just had a blast on the trail (did whole 12 miles like I thought) especially, since it was reversed. They said the last section was fast and fun! Last year, this was a long and steady climb. I was looking forward to have this as a descent since I was going to race it on the single speed again.
At registration, my biggest competitor, Pro racer, Sally who races for Kenda, was going to be racing on a team this year since she just got back from 24hrs of Leadville the previous weekend. Ok, I might have a chance now. Either way, my goal was to complete more laps than I did last year.

After dinner, more St. Louis folks continued to trickle in. The teams were all talking about their race strategy. The boys were drinking beer. I was just getting more nervous. I knew what was coming...pain and lack of sleep. So, I decided to go to bed and put my headphones on with music so I could drown it all out.

In the middle of the night, I woke up to gentle rain drops hitting our tent. This light rain continued until around 8AM. Then, it was a downpour. I started to worry. This could get real sloppy real fast. But, rain stopped around 11 AM.

12 AM race start! We were all required to start with either a wheel off or seat post off our bike with a short run to our stationed bikes. 1st lap was a little congested and slower than I really wanted but, it was going to be a long 24hrs. The trails were perfect after the rain! In fact, it needed more. The trails were so dry they were cracked in spots so it was like riding on cobblestones! On the 6th lap, I rode with Todd Hecht. Ahhh, to ride with someone is so much more fun! I pushed him on the climbs and he pushed me on the descents. This was my favorite lap!
I came in for a short break around the 12hr mark to change out lights and refuel. Carrie Sona told me it looked like I had 1st locked up already with 7 laps in (84miles). Now, it became more mental. I had to challenge myself. I decided to stick to my goal which was to complete more laps than last year and go beat some men. Got to chat with Zach Brace shortly and learned he won the 12hr. Greg Ott won 3rd and Todd Hecht won 10th. My husband and Mitch were still even and going strong still solo in 24hr also. The St. Louis women's team and Coed team were still cranking out the laps too.
I cranked out a total of 11 laps (132 miles) on the single speed. I won 1st but, due to few women racing I was more excited to complete my personal goal, beat 2 solo men, and men's team, and a coed team. I definitely enjoyed the course direction reversed this year. This was way more fun. My husband, Todd ended up winning 2nd and Mitch 3rd. This was the race within the race. The boys pushed each other so neither of them dared to sleep like they usually do. Todd had fire in his eyes during this race. Was it the pre-cooked quesadillas or grilled cheese he ate (made night before)? Was it the Perpeteum he decided to start using again for this race? I was awesome to see them push each other. I was glad others were staying up with me! See results below. We all had a blast. Highly recommend everyone makes a trip to Versailles Park or Brown County in Indiana sometime. We don't have trails like this!!
12hr- Zach Brace 1st, Greg Ott 3rd, Todd Hecht 10th
24hr solo- Todd Holtmann 2nd, Mitch Johnson 3rd,
Karen Holtmann 1st
24hr teams-St. Louis Coed Team 1st and 2nd overall,
St. Louis women 1st and 6th overall

1 comment:

  1. Great Ride Karen... Next year you can count me in for this one. What gear did you run??
